Sunday, 13 November 2011

My biggest nightmare

Something that has always terrified me is public speaking, on the rare occasion I was expected to do it in school, I'm sure that I would have been off sick that day, genuinely unwell though as the thought truly terrified me.

So when I started college, I was mortified to be told I had to present after only a week, not only that , but it was presenting something new that I wasn't even familiar with!
The last time previous to this that I had to speak publicly was in June 2010 in my capacity as chairperson of my children's school. I felt it went badly, I didn't speak clearly, I felt physically sick, I was shaking and I got a stress rash on my neck:( not a pleasant experience all round! When the same event came round again in 2011, I simply was not going to put myself through it again , so I didn't do it.

So on 26th September when it came to presenting my work, I just followed what others seemed to be doing and not saying much at all, just showing my work.

New word: populist-a supporter of populism

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