Sunday 1 April 2012

The Respectfulists Manifesto

I thought I would share my Art Manifesto with you, on both my blogs today.

It is based on my beliefs on the world today!

The Respectfulists manifesto

We feel that the world needs to be reminded that we are lucky to be alive and that life is precious. We, as human beings should look out for each other and consider each other’s feelings. Where there is conflict, resolution should be attempted.
Also, to be respected is not a right that comes with age, status or wealth, true respect has to be earned and respect breeds respect.

We will be unwavering in our endeavour to make the world a better place for us to be, we will demonstrate through art, that humankind needs to fill the world with love and kindness. There should be no room for violence or hate.

We will strive to teach our children about the fundamental building blocks of humanity and the strength gained from living in a thriving community.

Throughout history, Art has conjured up feelings and stirred emotions, we must use this to our advantage and create art that generates only positive thoughts, be it, love, contentment, hope, acceptance, excitement or honesty. Maybe then we can learn to live with respect for other human beings and stop destroying humanity.

Our inspiration will sometimes be found from the negative events that occur around us from which we will attempt to draw out the positive elements, which will create an improved state of mind.

In contrast, we will also draw inspiration from the good that flourishes in most of us as it is important to highlight that the world is is still brimming with integrity and good intention and unselfishness thrives yet often goes unnoticed.

We understand that good can come from every situation, mistakes made can be lessons learned to save pain and heartache to others. We must respectfully and sensitively seek out how we can successfully illustrate this in our art using any medium.

We are not about hearts and flowers, to be pleasing to the eye devoid of purpose is simply not enough. Some of the most hope inspiring depictions are not delightful and delicate. We are about making the viewer feel reassured.

We are aware that through strong image and a good use of text, it is possible to infuse a sense of positivity and well-being.

The Respectfulist artist must be able to think positively and be able to learn to always recognise the light at the end of the tunnel and to see that the glass is half full.
Negativity is discouraged, as this is what we are striving to reverse.

The Respectfulist artist must have respect for the world we live in, fellow humans, their subject and surroundings and show no prejudice.

The Respectfulist artist must have intention to produce work that inspires positive feelings. There will be nothing produced purely for its gruesome, violent or offensive content.

Sunday 22 January 2012

More Drawing Practise.....

So, we had a weeks break from college this week, I decided that as well as catching up with stuff to do at home I was going to practise more drawing.

This is my Niece in between my two youngest children, it's probably the best likeness that I have ever drawn, I think my practise is paying off:)

New word: Stuckism-The name "Stuckism" was coined in January 1999 by Charles Thomson in response to a poem read to him several times by Billy Childish. In it, Childish recites that his former girlfriend, Tracey Emin had said he was "stuck! stuck! stuck!" with his art, poetry and music.Later that month, Thomson approached Childish with a view to co-founding an art group called Stuckism, which Childish agreed to, on the basis that Thomson would do the work for the group, as Childish already had a full schedule.